Should Royal Monkeys Wear Sweaters During the Winter?

This was a question posed by Swedish nobleman Olof von Dalin to the botanist Carl von Linné in 1762, as he was worried that the Queen's monkeys were struggling to withstand the nordic winters.

6/18/20242 min read

Keeping your pets comfortable has been a challenge for a long time, as evidenced by a letter from Swedish Nobleman Olof von Dalin to the renowned botanist Carl Linnaeus. Writing on behalf of Queen Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden, Dalin wrote to Linnaeus seeking advice on how to best care for the Queen's monkeys during the winter months, and asked if it would be suitable to dress them in clothes. The following is a translation of the letter:

Letter 22 November 1762, Stockholm to Carl Linnaeus, Uppsala

Dearest Court Physician and Knight of the Royal Nordstierne-order,*

Her Royal Highness has expressed some concerns regarding the creatures which are often present at Hofet, namely the human-cousins guenons. They are becoming quite ill, especially with coughs and sniffles. Thus, it has fallen to me to ask you, if you have any suggestions, on what actions she should take to maintain their health: she really does not just want to avoid losing them, but also wants to make sure that they are healthy; as they are quite polite. As Court Physician, you yourself know of these and many other animals, her royal highness places her trust in you.

For my part, I think that the climate is too sharp for these creatures. Perhaps, during the winter, it would be best to bestow them with clothes, or at least, make sure they avoid stone floors: However, I will not attempt this until it pleases Sir Court Physician to reply. I have the honour to be with both high regard and affection,

Your obedient servant

Olof Von Dalin

* Carl Linneaus was awarded the Royal Nordstjärneordern and ennobled Carl von Linné in 1761.


Wälborne Herr Archiater och Riddare
af K[ongliga] Nordstierne-Orden.

Hennes Maijt finner med något bekymmer, at de kreaturen, som här offta giöra hela Hofwets ro, neme[ligen] Menniskio-Cousinerne Markattorne, börja nu må rätt illa, besynnerligen af hosta och snufwa; ty har Hon befallt mig anmoda Herr Archiatern och Riddaren om något godt råd, huru Hon skall giöra til at bibehålla deras hälsa: Hon will ej allena icke mista dem, utan ock at de äro friska; ty de äro rätt artiga. Som Herr Archiatern bäst känner både desse och flera diurs art, så har Hennes Maijt ock deruti till honom det största förtroende.

För min del tycker jag oförgripe. at Climatet lär wara för dessa kreatur något för skarpt: Kanskie, at man borde om wintrarne bestå dem kläder eller åtminstone akta dem för stengolf: Detta har jag dock icke understådt mig anföra innan Herr Archiatern behagar sig utlåta. Jag har den äran at wara med upriktig högaktning och tilgifwenhet

Wälborne Herr Archiaterns och Riddarens
lydigste tienare
Ol[of] v[on] Dalin.

A scan of the original letter can be found on the Alvin database.

Monkeys in clothes having tea
Monkeys in clothes having tea